Frequently asked questions

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Frequently Asked Questions

Please find answers to your questions here. Didn't find what you're looking for? Contact the people behind c,mm,n on the contact page. This is a growing page. Please feel free to post your questions in the discussions-section of this page. Please do not put them in this page itself, only questions with answers please.


(Technical) questions about the concept

Q: When are the blueprints/technical details going to be available? A: In order for the blueprints to become available we first need a proper open-source licence that is specific enough for products. Since no such licence exists yet, we are now in the process of creating one. We would like to do this properly, so it could take us some time. If you want to contribute and therefore need early access to the blueprints, we can arrange something. Please mail me at . The project is currently still in a concept-phase. Aim is to get going as soon as we have ample funding. More on this at the end of January 2008.

Q: Why did you choose to make c,mm,n open source? A: To mobilise the most brilliant ideas available. To not be limited by the need for large investments before you can build anything. To let creativity flow. To show that the current conventional practice of designing, building and selling cars is outdated and unsustainable.

Project planning questions

Q: A:

I-want-to-do-something-too questions

Q: I want to contribute to the project, how can I help? A: Join the c,mm,nity! A good place to start out is right here on this wiki. Create an account for yourself and start writing, asking, commenting on all you can find here. More jobs and pages to comment on will follow as soon as we get them.

Q: I'm an expert on webdesign/welding/fleetownership/navigation technology/anything else that's useful, and I want to help. Where do I start? A: Right here. Get yourself a wiki-account and join an existing discussion or start a new on on your topic. If you want to get involved on behalf of you company/organisation, read the affiliates page first.

Q: How about a developers' gathering? A: Working on it. We're aiming to organise a first 'c,mm,n garage' somewhere in the first two months of 2008. It will be held somewhere in the Netherlands.

Q: I'd like to start building this car straight away. Where do I start? A: Believe it or not, several groups have made this offer. Which is absolutely brilliant. Unfortunately, however, c,mm,n needs some more time to mature into a set of blueprints which can be transformed into an actual car. Building one is not an issue yet, but it will be in the near future (say, 2009/2010?). In the meantime, you are very welcome to input your expertise into the project, for starters through this wiki.

Questions from companies and organisations

Q: I represent a company/organisation that want to affiliate itself with this project. A: Excellent! See the affiliates page for all relevant information and contact persons.

Q: I'd like to start building this car straight away. Where do I start? A: Believe it or not, several groups have made this offer. Which is absolutely brilliant. Unfortunately, however, c,mm,n needs some more time to mature into a set of blueprints which can be transformed into an actual car. Building one is not an issue yet, but it will be in the near future (say, 2009/2010?). In the meantime, you are very welcome to input your expertise into the project, for starters through this wiki.

I-want-to-talk-to-someone questions

Q: How can I get in touch with one of the initiators? A: To get in contact with us you can write an e-mail to . Please submit any brilliant ideas, comments, anything. First consider whether it would be useful to leave your contribution on this wiki, for the benefit of all.

Q: I represent a company/organisation that want to affiliate itself with this project. A: Excellent! See the [affiliates page] for all relevant information and contact persons.

Questions related to school projects

Q: I want to present the c,mm,n concept at school. Do you have any material available? A: Were working on it. When it's available, you can download it directly from the goodies page. If you have made some presentation materials and would like to share it with others, create a wiki-account and share it through the goodies page!

Questions from the press

All press-related business is provided for on the press page.

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