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Saturday June 20th 2009: Our lawyer Milica Antic has proposed the second draft version of the The c,mm,n open product licence.

Comments on the c,mm,n license

Because open hardware is still quite new. And cars are quite another story than software, we intend to develop an open product licence that enables people to develop cars and other products in an open-source fashion. Since the licence itself is open aswell, please feel free to comment on any issue. Please discuss this on the Talk:License discussion tab above.

The licence in short

You will find the complete licence on The c,mm,n open product licence. On this page you will find a brief summary and an explanation of the most important issues of the licence.

Uitgangspunten licentie

The c,mm,n group (known as the c,m,m,nity) aims to accelerate the process of innovation by using open source knowledge to create a cycle of sharing knowledge, leading to the development of new knowledge. This approach leads to the sharing of knowledge etc. To create this knowledge cycle the license serves as an instrument to secure the innovation process by protecting the shared knowledge. For this the license uses the following basics:

1. Knowledge = IP rights 2. Sharing ≠ giving away rights 3. Open source = modern use of IP rights: instead of protecting IP rights create opportunities for sharing the knowlegde.

Summary License

Open Source: sharing knowledge on a reciprocal basis. The license allows anyone the use of the c,mm,nity knowledge as long as knowledge generated with the c,mm,nity knowledge is returned to the c,mm,nity under the same conditions (under the same rules). This cycle insures that the c,mm,nity will grow and creates an acceleration of the innovation process.

Daarbij worden IP rights op innovatieve wijze ingezet: niet weggeven, wél waarborgen dat kennis wordt gedeeld; Innovatieve ontwikkelingen worden zo aangejaagd. De Stichting kan daarbij een leidende rol hebben.

What is allowed under the licence?

The licence allows a lot:

Article 2.1 The c,mm,n Terms govern how you may use, copy, modify, distribute, publish and incorporate Designs or Derivative Designs, including the right to manufacture and distribute a Product or render a Service.

Zonder beperking naar product of dienst (art. 3.2) En dat op een oneindige, wereldwijde en royalty free basis: Article 3.1 Subject to the c,mm,n Terms,Licensor hereby grants You a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive, perpetual license to exercise the rights in the Design or Derative Design as stated below:


Benefit of eachothers van elkaars kennis maar niet weggeven! Dus (art. 3.1 en 5):

aangeven dat is voortgeborduurd op ouder ontwerp; aangeven welke wijzigingen zijn aangebracht; oorspronkelijk ontwerp en daarop volgende ontwerpen aanhechten; verwijzen naar c,mm,n Terms

Producten en diensten

Doel: niet alleen uitbouwen databank maar juist ook kennis uit databank naar buiten halen en gebruiken voor maken Producten en aanbieden Diensten. Genoemde voorwaarden in praktijk onwerkbaar, dus (art. 6):

kennis vergaart bij ontwikkeling product of dienst aan c’mm’nity geven;

aanpassing + bronnen op verzoek toezenden of beschikbaar stellen via internet (ipv aanhechten); verwijzen naar c,mm,n Terms

Wanneer zijn de c,mm,n terms van toepassing

Zodra je aan de slag gaat met bestaande ontwerpen (Designs):

By (a) using, copying, modfying or distributing Design or Deritave Design or (b) making or having Products made or distributing them, or (c) render or incorperate Services or have Services rendered or incorporated, You accept the c,mm,n terms.

Licensee and Licensor

As soon as you use any information from the c,mm,nity you become a Licensee and Licensor. Which means the license applies on you using the knowledge and at the same time any knowledge you (have to) submit under the license falls under the same terms for other Licensees.

Article 3.3 By accepting the c,mm,n Terms You grant a license under the same terms for any Design or Derivative Design you might submit to the c,mmunity which means You are under the same terms a Licensor as well.

De c,mm,n stichting

Stichting heeft sturende en controlerende rol: waarborgen dat licentie wordt nageleefd:

Article 10.1 The c,mm,nity and its members may be represented by the Foundation.

Power of attorney

De Stichting krijgt een power of attorney om bij schending licentie op te treden, zonder daartoe verplicht te zijn:

Article 10.2 By accepting the c,mm,n Terms, You give the Foundation a power of attorney to represent You in any dispute pertaining to a Design or Derivative Design You have submitted, including the enforcement of your rights under the c,mm,n Terms. However, the Foundation shall never be obliged to do so.

2. Bewaken c,mm,n mobiliteitsconcept Gedachte is dat dit via het merkrecht kan: Stichting bepaalt wie en voor welk project, product, service merknaam c,mm,n mag worden gebruikt:

Article 12.3 Except for the limited purpose of indicating to the public that the Design or Derivative Design is licensed under the c,mm,n Terms, the Foundation does not authorize the use by any of the c,mm,nity members or third parties of the trademark "c,mm,n" or any related trademark or logo of the Foundation without the prior written consent of the Foundation.


- Afstand persoonlijkheidsrechten (art. 3.4); - Stichting mag licentie aanpassen (art. 7); - Elk Design is ‘as is’: geen enkele aansprakelijkheid (art. 8); - Vrijwaring (art. 9): Vrijwaring Licensor aan Licensee voor inbreuk IP rights; Andersom ook: iedereen die Product maakt op basis van Design vrijwaart de ontwerper voor inbreuk IP rights door Product; - Nederlands recht van toepassing; Rechtbank Amsterdam bevoegd.

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